Monday, October 27, 2008

c h i l d r e n ' s v o i c es

It’s time to be creative and have fun kids!!

Just let your kids speak their minds ..

i n t r o d u c t i o n 2 p o e t r y

You can do it. I promise you, you can write wonderful, exciting, funny poetry that will amaze your parents and teachers, and have your friends falling down laughing. Everything you need, except for a pencil and a piece of paper, ang through lots of simple methods you can use them to create your own original, hilarious poetry. You will soon find it is simpler than you thought and people are going to wonder how you got so talented!!
What is poetry??Poetry is a short piece of imaginative writing, of a personal nature and laid out in lines is the usual answer.
What is nursery rhymes??A nursery rhyme is a traditional song or poem taught to young children, originally in the nursery.

t i p s o f l e a r n i n g p o e t r y

You become a good poet by writing lots of poems. Each time you write a new poem, try to make it as good as you can and your skill will improve with each poem you write.
A notebook you can carry with you all the time is your most important tool for writing poetry. Take it with you everywhere you go, and always try to remember to write your ideas down when they come to you.
If you have a computer and Internet access, you don't need to buy reference books such as a rhyming dictionary. All the references you need are available online!The only tools you really need to write poems are a pencil and paper, and your brain. But writing poetry can be even easier if you have a rhyming dictionary, a dictionary and a thesaurus.

p o e m s & r h y m e s 4 k i d s

· Funny families& all of the crazy things that brothers,sisters, and parents do
· Tongue twisters, nonsense verse, and other weird, warped and wonderful wordplay.
· Modern versions of classic fairy tales and Mother Goose rhymes.
· Poems about music and wacky new lyrics to well-known songs.
· Fun and silly love poems.

p o e t r y t o o l s

Tools to learn
As with any hobbies or sports you might enjoy, writing poetry requires a bit of special equipment. Though a pencil and paper are the only things required, if you are serious about writing poetry, there are a couple more things you should have.
The most important tool you should have as a poet is a small notebook.
Rhyming Dictionary
It is a book that lists the words that rhyme with end sounds of other words.
In addition to a rhyming dictionary, you should also have a regular dictionary and a thesaurus.
A thesaurus is a "dictionary of synonyms and antonyms”.
Lexical Freenet
It is a program on the Internet called the "Lexical FreeNet". The Lexical FreeNet can be found at:

p o e t r y b y k i d s

1 2 Buckle My Shoe
1, 2, Buckle my shoe.3, 4 Shut the door.5, 6 Pick up sticks.7, 8 Lay them straight.9, 10 A big fat hen!
A King Met a King
There was a king met a kingIn a narrow lane.Says this king to that king;"Where have you been?""Oh I've been a-huntingWith my dog my doe,""Pray lend him to me,That I may do so""There's the dog take the dog,""What's the dog's name?""I've told you already,""Pray tell me again."